All posts by: Callum Longworth

Jan 18

Mark Shuttleworth het Sondag vinnig na die aarde teruggejaag en ‘n ekskursie van $ 20 miljoen afgehandel waarna die Suid-Afrikaanse ruimtevaarder gesê het dat hy altyd weer sou wou was.

‘Dit was net die wonderlikste ervaring ooit,’ het die 28-jarige internetmagoon gesê, ‘n monster seën sy gesig in die nasleep van die gebraaide Russiese saak wat hom gehelp het in ‘n uitbarsting deur die aarde se lug. .

Die saak het presies betyds om 07:51 uur die Moskou-tyd in die onvrugbare Kazakse steppe aangekom na ‘n daling van meer as drie uur wat Shuttleworth ”n wilde rit’ ‘genoem het, wat hom’ geskud en gemeng ‘laat voel het.

Shuttleworth, vliegbevelvoerder Yuri Gidzenko en die beginner Italiaanse ruimtevaarder Roberto Vittori is met moeite uit die spesialiteit gehaal, kry ‘n vinnige kliniese ondersoek en het hulle daarna gehaas vir ‘n vordering van tuiskomsfeeste wat vir ‘n paar keer in hul landing in die Russiese Star City geëindig het. tydperke van “herstel.”

Die drietal het agt dae by die Internasionale Ruimtestasie deurgeloop, nadat die 25 April van die Russiese Baikonur-kosmodroom in Kazakstan afgehaal is, ‘n soortgelyke plek waar die Amerikaanse finansiële spesialis Dennis Tito ‘n jaar gelede met die konferensie begin het om die reisbedryf te bespreek.

Na die ontkoppeling van die ruimtestasie het Shuttleworth en die span met ongeveer drie uur teruggekeer na die aarde, ‘n uitstappie wat hulle gereeld deur die ruimte laat draai en gereeld byna meerdere kere die klanksnelheid.

Terwyl die houer deur die lug van die aarde gedompel het, het dit onmiddellik in ‘n bondeltjie vuur verander en Shuttleworth het gesê dat hy lyk asof ‘metaal buite die venster oplos’ toe ‘n sinnelose rat, byvoorbeeld, ‘n periskoop oorgelaat is om net te verwoes in temperature van 18.000 Fahrenheit. – ‘n gesig wat hy toegegee het, was ”n tikkie ontsteltenis’.

Jan 18

Op die punt toe hy gevra is hoe sy uitstappie as kosmonaut na die Internasionale Ruimtestasie in 2002 hom beïnvloed het, sê Shuttleworth: “Dit het my positief laat verloop van dinge wat ‘n wêreldwye uitwerking het. Suid-Afrika sal deurgaans Suid-Afrika wees en aangepas by Britse eienskappe. Hoe dit ook al sy, ons is grotendeels absoluut verwant. Dit is die grootste dagdroom wat ons nie is nie. ‘

Sy doel was dus om te probeer werk aan waardevolle ondernemings wat individue positief beïnvloed. Hy sê: “Ek hou van die moontlikheid dat Ubuntu ‘n Chinese ontwerper of kinders oral in die wêreld kan bemagtig om iets buitengewoons te vermag.”

Gesaghebbend hou verband met die Square Kilometer Array (SKA) -projek, wat beoog om die wêreld se grootste klomp radioteleskope op te bou. Dit is ‘n wêreldwye aktiwiteit wat in die Verenigde Koninkryk op pad is. Suid-Afrika en Australië bou Fase Een van die SKA.

Shuttleworth is opgewonde oor die taak, wat hy hoop om die grense daarvan te ontwerp en te ontwerp. ‘Dit is baie cool dat ‘n ton van die Square Kilometer Array in Suid-Afrika is,’ sê hy. “Dit is ‘n soortgelyke taak as Cern, en dit is ongelooflik dat Brittanje in ‘n uitstekende posisie is. Ek vertrou dat SKA werklik intrigerende innovasie sal dryf.”

Shuttleworth verwag dat dit die wolk- en elite-registrasie en die voorbereiding van inligting sal veroorsaak. “Die mate van inligting wat dit sal lewer, is buitengewoon,” voeg hy by.

Jan 18

Imprint Shuttleworth, skrywer van die open source-verskaffer Canonical, streef voort na die visie van ‘n saamgevoegde handtoestel, ondanks sy gebombarde poging om $ 32 miljoen in te samel deur middel van crowdfunding vir Ubuntu Edge, die selfoon wat dien as ‘n werkarea-rekenaar.

Hy beoordeel die skarefinansieringsaktiwiteit wat die punt met $ 13 miljoen gemis het, en sê: “Ek is baie bly dat individue dit waag en gesê het dat dit ‘n slim gedagte was. Ons het elkeen van ons pogings toegespits op die produk en nou vervoer ons telefone . “

Die aktiwiteit het daartoe gelei dat Canonical ‘n variant van sy Ubuntu-verspreiding van Linux vir selfone opgebou het.

Shuttleworth hou terug by die punte van Ubuntu Edge en voeg by: “In Oktober sal die variant van Ubuntu op die telefoon u die werkarea-ervaring, ‘n sakrekenaarervaring, gee.”

Hy verwag dat toerusting van die grootste selfoonprodusente op daardie stadium voldoende sal wees om dit te gebruik. “Dit gaan nie oor die aantal megapixels wat op die kamera is nie, maar tog die hoeveelheid RAM wat u het op grond daarvan dat dit ‘n klein rekenaar is en dat ons die kapasiteit daarvan kan vrystel,” sê hy.

Shuttleworth aanvaar dat so ‘n toestel naby verspreide rekenaars sal sit, waar die CPU-konsentrasie-voorbereiding afgelaai sal word. “Die mense wat tans hul selfoon noem, is ongelooflik vir 90% van die werk wat hulle doen, sal die opsie hê om die harde kernwerk na die wolk te laai,” sê hy.

Feb 21


There are very few disadvantages to owning a laser printer in general but one of them is definitely the cost. The money that you could spend on a very high-end inkjet printer will only buy you a very low-end color laser printer with limited capacities. Color laser printers with multi-functions such as a copier and a fax all in one are even more expensive. However a middle of the line black and white laser printer is comparable to the price of a top of the line color inkjet printer.

Another disadvantage is the cost of the cartridges inside a laser printer. Sometimes the cartridges cost almost as much as the printer did which is why many people throw the entire printer out and buy a new one after the cartridge expires in year or two.

The cartridges for laser printers are several times more expensive then the cost of the toner cartridges for inkjet printers. However they do last longer especially if you remember to set the printer in black and white printing mode when printing black and white and only using the color mode when it is really needed. Another way to make an expensive color laser toner cartridge last longer is to keep the printer in low quality mode unless you are printing out the final document.

If you live in a hot or humid climate a laser printer may not be the ideal solution for you. This is because running these machines can make a room very hot. The fuser inside them, which is the device that melts the plastic granules that constitute the powder that makes up the toner onto the paper, heats up to as high as 200 degrees Celsius.

Another limitation of a laser printer is that they only really print on certain kinds of paper. If you want to print out photographs then a laser printer is not for you as they are not yet capable of printing high-resolution images. Also you cannot put photographic paper through a laser printer. For the best quality images you need to buy a bubble jet ink printer that can transfer an image onto photographic paper. The color quality that you get with a bubble jet ink printer is just as good if not better than the color quality that you can obtain with a laser printer. A high-end color printer that produces quality color images can cost as much as $3,500 to $10,000 whereas you can get a good quality ink jet printer for about $200.

Another disadvantage of laser printers is that many of them are limited by the amount of memory that they are sold with. This can sometimes limit the number of fonts that you can use. To expand the memory of your color laser printer you usually have to buy a small RAM board. This is the only reliable way to install memory so that the color laser printer can utilize a number of fonts.

The more expensive a laser printer is the faster it is. The affordable models only print out about four pages a minute. Top end models print out about twelve pages a minute but they are not really affordable for the individual.

Laser printers, especially the color laser printers, can also be heavy and take up a lot of desk space or room in the office. At the time of writing there was also no such thing as a portable laser printer. The reason that a portable laser printer has yet to be invented is because a battery does not yet exist that is small enough to provide laser printer functions with enough power so that it can be taken on the road.


Source by Enid Edginton

Feb 21


For business owners, there’s one office equipment you will not do without, and that’s a good  printer . Currently there are 3 home office all-in-one  printers  from Canon. These are my  printer  reviews – the top 3  printers  for a home office. Sometimes it’s not easy to pick the best office  printer . Do you want one to have a fax or not? Is print speed, and energy efficiency important? For me it’s nice to have a fax built in with my  printer . In my opinion this is what makes an office  printer . The Canon PIXMA MX870, MX350, and the MX340 are all very good wireless  printers . You can set them up almost anywhere so everyone has access to them. Each of these  printers  needs a code to access the editing and printing of PDF files.

Here is the breakdown on all 3  printers .

Canon  Printer  PIXMA MX870:

The resolution is brilliant at 9600 x 2400 color dpi. Great for business documents and photos. It also has an independent ink system which works with 4 dye based inks including black ink. With the independent ink system you can replace only the ink that runs out which saves money. It has an advantage of printing and copying on both sides of the paper without you turning the paper over. This definitely saves time and plenty of paper. Another cool thing is that there is a 2 way paper feeder. You can load paper on either the front or back of the  printer . The printing speed I think is a little slow. It takes 30 – 40 seconds for the first page to print and 1 minute for 3.5 pages overall to print. What I didn’t like was the lag time between pages.

Canon  printer  PIXMA MX350:

The resolution for this  printer  is terrific at 4800 x 12006 color dpi. Canon uses what they call a Full-photolithography Inkjet Nozzle Engineering. It’s great for document and photo printing. It uses 2 ink cartridges. One is a black cartridge for detailed quality text. The other, a multi color cartridge. Both are very easy to replace. When you upload your pictures, the  printer  automatically categorizes the images into 5 styles. If any of the images were under exposed the  printer  has an option of automatically correcting the images. The print speed for this  printer  was pretty good at 5.7 pages per minute.

Canon  printer  PIXMA MX340:

This  printer  has the same terrific resolution as the MX350 at 4800 x 12006 color dpi. Which also uses the Canon Full-photolithography Inkjet Nozzle Engineering. At 5.8 pages per minute, this  printer  is the fastest. What all three have in common are these.

  • Built-In Wireless
  • Built-in Ethernet
  • Super G3 Fax
  • USB 2.0 Hi-Speed
  • Energy Star Qualified

These are my  printer  reviews-the top 3  printers  for a home office. Depending on what you are looking for, a good start up office  printer  that I would consider would either be the MX350 or the MX340. Both of these have fast printing speeds with great resolution with about a $15 difference. The MX870 has the best resolution overall. If you are printing many multi color graphs for presentations this one may be for you. The ink will come out to be cheaper in the long run.


Source by Bob Hobiton

Feb 21


When looking at enterprise security, we commonly refer to and consider firewalls, Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), Virtual Private Networks (VPN), encryption and authentication. When we think of securing our data, we think of securing critical servers and databases. Rarely do we think of  printers . Billions of dollars are spent worldwide on security each year, but how much did your organization spend on securing their  printers  this last 12 months? If you answered zero, you would be in the vast majority.

 Printers  have come a long way since their widespread adoption in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. Back in the day, each  printer  was connected to an individual system and could only process a single print job at a time. Today,  printers  have matured into multi-functional devices that bare little resemblance to their distant origins.  Printers  in the 21st century perform dozens of tasks including, but not limited to, printing, scanning, photocopying, faxing and even emailing documents. What most users, and even system, network and security administrators do not realize is what really goes on inside a  printer  and what functionality they truly have. Most users still think of the  printers  of 30 years ago; unintelligent devices that only possess the ability to print documents. This view is far removed from the truth.

When discussing  printers  in this article, we are not only talking about the behemoths you see in most large enterprises, but also your low-end multifunctional  printers  you now find common in regular households. Rare is it to find a  printer , no matter how small, that only performs the single task of printing. Most, at a very minimum, provide faxing or scanning and with these come increased memory requirements. Scanning a full document in preparation to print, scanning a document to be saved as a PDF or similar file, or scanning a document to allow faxing all require the ability to buffer the data within the device. A buffer is basically a region of memory that allows the storing of temporary data.  Printers  use this buffer to store a digital version of the document you are printing, scanning or faxing. Depending on the device, this buffer can range from a small piece of Random Access Memory (RAM) to a Hard Disk Drive like the type found in your desktop or laptop computer. In larger enterprise  printers , this buffer is not the only memory store found within the  printer . A larger, non-volatile memory area is provided to store semi-permanent or permanent information. For example, some  printers  allow scanning of a document and saving it within the  printer  as a PDF. The user may then connect to the  printer  as if it were a network drive, or via a web page, and download their document.

So where are we going with all this? The leakage or theft of sensitive and confidential corporate information. Large enterprises may have developed and implemented data retention and destruction policies but rarely do these include, or even mention,  printers . Companies look at hardcopies of documents, CD’s, DVD’s and workstation, laptop and server hard drives when developing their data destruction policies. While it is clear they identify hard drives as a source of sensitive information, rarely do they consider the hard drives contained within their  printers , if they even know of their existence.  Printers  are also commonly overlooked when security policies, procedures and guidelines are developed and implemented. Little time, if any, is spent looking at  printer  security or the implications of not securing the corporate  printers . All the more disturbing this becomes when you contemplate the common types of documents that pass through  printers  in a corporate environment. Depending on the industry or the department within the organization, documents can vary from sensitive financial records, personal customer data or detailed network diagrams, to name a few.

To understand how sensitive data is leaked via a simple  printer  to the outside world, it requires an understanding of the corporate environment, security controls within that environment, and the general flow of information between users,  printers  and file systems that house restricted data.

In the ideal, secure corporate environment, a user has restricted access to files that pertain to his or her job function. The files reside on a secure server within the corporate network and are protected by strong access control policies requiring a user to authenticate before being allowed access to files. In our example, a user requires a sensitive financial document for a meeting he is about to attend. The user authenticates to the server, access to the file is authorized by the access control policies set on the file and the user opens the file in Microsoft Word. He clicks on the print icon and sends the document as a print job to his nearest  printer . With this simple act, we have taken a secure document that very limited users have access to, and have created two copies that are no longer protected by any form of access control. The first is the obvious; the paper copy our user requires for their meeting. The second is a copy housed in the buffer on the  printer . In the ideal world, our user will keep the printed copy safe at all times and follow the organization’s data destruction policy and destroy the copy of the document when they no longer require it. As for the virtual copy created on the  printer , the user has no real control over this, nor probably knows it even exists. If we are lucky, the document is overwritten when the next print job comes through, but this is very dependent on the brand and model of  printer  and how the  printer  was initially set up by the administrator.

Slightly different to the straight printing of documents, scanning of documents or receiving faxes on a multifunctional  printer  writes documents to non-volatile areas of memory, usually a hard disk drive. If documents are not manually removed, they will remain there indefinitely, often long forgotten by the original user that scanned the document or received the fax.

In either of these scenarios, improper disposal of a decommissioned  printer  could have catastrophic consequences for a company. Leased  printers  may be returned to the leasing company for resale. Purchased  printers  are discarded in the trash or sold at auction or online via auction sites such as eBay. Either way, countless sensitive documents could pass into the hands of nefarious individuals. While the leaking of some documents could financially affect organizations, leaking personal information pertaining to hundreds or thousands of customers or clients could have reputation ramifications that could destroy a company.

Most organizations do not realize the full potential of their  printers  or the functionality they have available. While much functionality is non-security related, these functions have considerable impact on the security of the data within an organization and need to be understood and addressed. These include, but are not limited to:

1. The ability to copy files to Windows or Unix SMB file servers

2. The ability to email scanned files to a user

3. Functionality that allows  printers  to receive faxes and then forward the fax onto predefined users via multiple methods, such as email or as another fax, and

4. The ability to store files which have been scanned, printed, emailed or uploaded locally on the  printer 

While the previous data leakage scenarios have been accidental in nature, data remaining on  printers  could be the target of an educated attacker, one that understands the value of data residing on  printers  and who has the ability to compromise that data. While organizations invest hundreds of thousands of dollars to secure their network, dividing networks and systems into zones of trust with firewalls, Intrusion Prevention Systems and other network access control points, have they rarely considered where  printers  are logically placed within the network. In most cases, they are located amongst the users, or in some organizations, even on the server networks. Some organizations do not even have zones of trust and the  printers  exist amongst users, servers and even Internet accessible systems. In the worst case scenarios, the  printers  may even be Internet accessible themselves.  Printers  are not seen as critical devices, and as such, are not secured in their own zone of trust where access to management interfaces is not accessible except to trusted  printer  administrators. By limiting access to these interfaces, compromise of the data housed on these  printers  becomes exceedingly difficult.

While most  printers  have the capability to authenticate both  printer  administrators or normal  printer  users, the majority of the time, this functionality is disabled or left in its default state; disabled. Five minutes on Google and an attacker will be able to find the default password to almost any  printer . Once administrator access is gained to a  printer , it takes little time and even less ability to make changes to settings that could be catastrophic to an organization. While it would be little but annoying to find yourself locked out of your  printer , or the interface changed to another language so no-one could control the  printer , if the attacker was to redirect your printing or copy documents to a location outside the internal network, depending on the contents of the file, it could be the ruin of an organization.

So how does an organization protect itself against attacks against  printers  and leakage of sensitive data?

A few simple steps:Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

1. Disable unnecessary functionality. If any function within the  printer  is not required within your business, disable it. The less services or functions a  printer  has running, the less avenues of attack or leakage the  printer  has.

2. Add  printers  to your data retention and disposal policies. Make sure all memory inside  printers  is disposed of via secure destruction or secure wiping when  printers  are decommissioned.

3. Ensure data is overwritten immediately after printing. This requires the  printer  in use to support this functionality, but if your data is highly sensitive, this should be a priority when looking at new  printers .

4. Print from memory rather than hard disk drive if available.

5. Use the secure printing option, if available, so printouts do not start before you reach the  printer  and enter your password. How often have you hit print, walked to the  printer  and your printout is no-where to be seen, only to turn up lying on a table days or even weeks later?

6. Examine where  printers  are logically located within the network.  Printer  management interfaces should be restricted and only accessible from defined management IP’s. Ensure  printers  are never accessible from the Internet. Assess whether some or all  printers  should be located within their own zone of trust.

7. Use the inbuilt security within the  printer  to restrict who has access, what access they have and where they may access from.

Securing  printers  should be an integral part of securing your data. Security policies should exist that address the risks and define how  printers  should be secured. Develop  printer  security guidelines and procedures for implementation of new  printers  and follow these standards to ensure all  printers  are secured and do not become a high risk to your organization. By securing your  printers , you are contributing to your overall layered security model and protecting your organization’s critical data along with its reputation.


Source by David Morrison

Feb 21


In most cases, when you purchase a printer it comes the printer cable. However, it is possible to lose that cable and make it impossible for you use your printer. Of several of the models these days are also USB compatible, using the USB port of your printer is often slower than using the actual cable that is meant for that type of hardware.

Anyone who is gone from a full-fledged printer cable to a USB cable for the printer knows the difference. There is a significant difference in data transfer speed between the two. Even if everything else you look up through the USB goes incredibly fast, that is simply not the case for most printers. So while many of today’s printer models do come with a USB cable it is not good idea to use it if you do large amounts of printing at a time.

You can find a suitable printer cable it just about any electronics store. They are often in the same section that you can find other types of computer input cables, and they are also usually inexpensive. The aware that if you have a photo printer, then you may need a different type of output cable for your printer to go to the computer. Pay attention to the output spot on your printer to find out if you need something in particular. Otherwise, the standard kind of cable will do.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

You will find that the prices on these types of cables will vary. Some brands have them for only a few dollars, while others have them for $20 and up. Usually the price varies depending on the length of the cable as well as the quality of input-output sides. Something keep in mind is that many retailers will drastically markup their cables. This is because there is no other way for many consumers to get them, especially with many printer manufacturers not including the cables in the box these days. This markup can be anywhere from 500% to 3000%, as the cost of making cables is extremely low. Be wary of any prices that are too high, as they are simply handing money to the retailer, not the manufacturer themselves.

Be aware that many modern-day printers use different types of tables. While USB is just one of them, and parallel ports that were once common are slowly being phased out. Many models these days use ethernet ports or FireWire, so knowing which type your printer is compatible with is essential. The printer cable market is big business for retailers, so make sure that you do not pay too much for a simple table. If nothing else, do some research and do not listen to the salespeople in the store in order to get the product that will do the best for you.


Source by Mike Georges

Feb 21


In most cases, when you purchase a printer it comes the printer cable. However, it is possible to lose that cable and make it impossible for you use your printer. Of several of the models these days are also USB compatible, using the USB port of your printer is often slower than using the actual cable that is meant for that type of hardware.

Anyone who is gone from a full-fledged printer cable to a USB cable for the printer knows the difference. There is a significant difference in data transfer speed between the two. Even if everything else you look up through the USB goes incredibly fast, that is simply not the case for most printers. So while many of today’s printer models do come with a USB cable it is not good idea to use it if you do large amounts of printing at a time.

You can find a suitable printer cable it just about any electronics store. They are often in the same section that you can find other types of computer input cables, and they are also usually inexpensive. The aware that if you have a photo printer, then you may need a different type of output cable for your printer to go to the computer. Pay attention to the output spot on your printer to find out if you need something in particular. Otherwise, the standard kind of cable will do.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

You will find that the prices on these types of cables will vary. Some brands have them for only a few dollars, while others have them for $20 and up. Usually the price varies depending on the length of the cable as well as the quality of input-output sides. Something keep in mind is that many retailers will drastically markup their cables. This is because there is no other way for many consumers to get them, especially with many printer manufacturers not including the cables in the box these days. This markup can be anywhere from 500% to 3000%, as the cost of making cables is extremely low. Be wary of any prices that are too high, as they are simply handing money to the retailer, not the manufacturer themselves.

Be aware that many modern-day printers use different types of tables. While USB is just one of them, and parallel ports that were once common are slowly being phased out. Many models these days use ethernet ports or FireWire, so knowing which type your printer is compatible with is essential. The printer cable market is big business for retailers, so make sure that you do not pay too much for a simple table. If nothing else, do some research and do not listen to the salespeople in the store in order to get the product that will do the best for you.


Source by Mike Georges